Today we honor the life of one of the founders of our companies, Peter W. Nicholson, who passed away on Monday December 12, 2016. Peter W. Nicholson was responsible for much of the culture of our company, and helped shape the lives of many individuals he worked with in our industry. His unrelenting determination, work ethic and "get it done" approach to building, and his desire to mentor young talent who had a true interest in learning how to build, shaped our company, since its inception in 1954. For that we are thankful to him.
He was a builder in the truest sense of the word. He loved what he did and did it as well as any. If one measure of success in life is the enthusiasm one maintains for their work, then it is absolutely true that his professional life was immensely successful.
His dedication to his family was a large piece of his passionate and very genuine persona. He is survived by his wife Constance, daughters Gail and Jeanne, one son, 6 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren.
He was the primary mentor in the construction business to his grandson Peter C. Nicholson who was the Vice President of Construction Operations at Congress, and who passed away unexpectedly on April 10th, 2016.
We thank Peter W. Nicholson, for the positive impact that he had upon us all in our family and our industry over five decades professionally, and for 96 years as an individual we can all admire and aspire to emulate.
William A. Nicholson
Our family, and we at Congress are saddened to reach out to our friends and colleagues, to pay tribute to our son Peter C. Nicholson who passed away unexpectedly on Sunday April 10, 2016. Peter was many things to many people. He was an extraordinary husband, father, son, brother, friend, colleague, construction manager, and a high quality human being who will be missed by all of us whom he touched in his much too brief 34 years.
Peter was a rising star in the construction industry. He shared a passion for building that was unparalleled. His growth as a builder was the result of extraordinary mentoring by many talented and hard-working builders that our company and our family has had the opportunity to have on our team, including his grandfather, Peter W. Nicholson, and many, many others. We thank those individuals from the bottom of our hearts for their contribution to Peter's growth as a fine young man and as a builder.
We learned through this mentoring that business is not just business, it is people. And we saw many fine and talented people contribute not only to Peter's career, but to his life and to his journey from boyhood to manhood. These efforts molded him not only into a fine builder, but also into the fine human being he was.
His wife Kristen, his daughter Kiley Rose, his to be born (next month) 2nd child, his sisters Christina and Elita, his family, friends and colleagues have all suffered a loss that is irreplaceable. We will deeply mourn this loss, and we will never forget Peter. Ever. And then we will carry on in our personal and professional lives, as we know Peter wants us to, never forgetting the positive impact he made upon our lives and never forgetting his passion for it all.
William A. Nicholson and Charlene L. Nicholson